Is your phobia holding you back from living your life in some way?

Hypnotherapy for phobias is a highly effective and safe form of phobia treatment.

A phobia can be anything from mildly distressing but manageable, to seriously debilitating. It may be causing you a lot of anxiety, fear, worry and dread.

A fear or phobia can control your life, making you want to avoid certain situations and stopping you doing things you want to do.

Your phobia might seem completely irrational, but to the fear part of your mind it seems to represent a real threat or danger, and you just can’t control your fear reaction.

Phobias are more common than you might realise. There are a wide range of different types of phobias, some very common ones, some much rarer, and some seemingly quite odd or strange.  Whatever the type, a phobia can be treated successfully without undue stress.

I specialise in anxiety disorders of all kinds, and phobias are an extreme form of anxiety and fear related to something specific or a specific situation.

Woman looking through fingers, looking scared - Hypnotherapy for phobias

Have a Fear or Phobia?

If you have any kind of fear or phobia, please know that you can overcome it safely and effectively. If you would like to know more about how I can help you become free of your fear or phobia, please get in touch.

What is a phobia?

A phobia is an extreme form of fear and anxiety triggered by a specific situation or object. The fear is irrational and extremely out of proportion to any actual risk or danger. Often, the person recognises this, but they still can’t control their fear.

A phobia is more extreme than just a fear of something. A person who has a phobia will want to completely avoid the object or situation or will endure it with extreme anxiety and distress. You may have anxiety symptoms such as heart palpitations, break out in a sweat, and even have panic attacks, as your fear can be so extreme, causing you much distress.

A phobia can come from a specific distressing experience, or it may be something that built up over time. Sometimes it can be learnt as a result of observing a family member’s fearful reaction to something when you were young. In many cases, you won’t be consciously aware of the original cause.

A phobia when left unresolved can grow and become even more intense as you learn to avoid more and more situations.

Types of phobias

There are thousands of phobias. This is a list of the most common ones:

  • Aerophobia; fear of flying
  • Arachnophobia; fear of spiders
  • Acrophobia; fear of heights
  • Trypanophobia; fear of needles or injections
  • Astraphobia; fear of thunder and lightning
  • Cynophobia: fear of dogs
  • Claustrophobia: fear of confined or crowded spaces
  • Hemophobia: fear of blood
  • Hydrophobia: fear of water
  • Ophidiophobia: fear of snakes
  • Social phobia: fear of social interactions - also related to social anxiety

Some issues might be classed as a fear rather than a phobia. Whatever the case, both fears and phobias can be successfully treated.

Effective phobia treatment

I help clients to overcome all types of fears and phobias, and I tailor sessions to you and your specific issues.

The techniques that I use to help clients become free from phobias are safe and effective, and rapidly help you to gain long term resolution.

My treatment for phobias doesn’t involve facing the fear; I help you to feel safe and comfortable throughout all sessions. Only when you really feel that your fear of the object or situation has completely gone you will get to test, first in your imagination. and then when you are ready, in a real situation to confirm that the fear has really gone.

I aim to get to the root cause of your issue. Sometimes a phobia can be traced back to a specific event, and sometimes it can be more complex. It’s not always important to know when or how it started, and whatever the case, a phobia can be effectively treated.

Some phobias can be resolved quite quickly and may only need one or two sessions, such as when it’s about one specific thing or situation. Others can be a bit more complex and relate to multiply issues and situations. and need more sessions to completely resolve. I always aim to work with you, safely at your own pace.

Phobia treatment doesn’t mean removing the natural fear that keeps you safe and stops you putting yourself in danger. You will still have natural caution in situations where you need it.

Hypnotherapy for phobias

Hypnotherapy for phobias has been shown to be highly effective for treating phobias of all kinds, allowing you to be free of the fear that’s been holding you back. Hypnotherapy techniques can be used to get to the root cause of your phobia, and help to reduce your anxiety and feel more confident about being able to be calm around your particular trigger/s.

I use hypnotherapy for phobias in combination with NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) and EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), which I adapt to you and your issues for the most effective results.

EFT Tapping for phobias

EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) is also highly effective for resolving phobias. With the tapping we can release fear, anxiety, and other negative emotions associated with your phobia or fear. We can also use the tapping to trace back to the root cause of your fear or phobia.

NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) for phobias

A phobia is a learnt fearful response to a particular trigger, and in NLP there are techniques that we can use to help your brain unlearn the fear response and teach it to have a much more helpful response instead. With NLP techniques we can quickly disrupt unwanted negative subconscious patterned responses to certain situations, making phobia treatment to be quick and effective with lasting results.

Phobia treatment in Luton, Harpenden, and online

Bespoke phobia therapy sessions are available in person in Luton, Bedfordshire or in Harpenden, Hertfordhire, or online.

Free 20 minute telephone consultation

If you have questions you would like me to answer or would like to know more about how I can help you, I offer a free 20 minute telephone consultation.